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  • Ages 13-64



  • Ages 65+



  • Ages 6-12



  • Age 5 and under


Persons with Disabilities

  • Free fare applies for persons with a Metro Mobility card, Metro Transit ID card, or Minnesota Driver’s License or State ID with an “L” endorsement through December 31, 2024. Note that Medicare cards are valid as identification only for non-rush hour trips


Disabled Veterans

  • An ID issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs showing “Service Connected” or “SC” must be shown to the driver. Effective July 1, 2009
  • Local
  • Express
    • Non-Rush Hour
    • Rush Hour

MVTA is part of the regional transit fare system. You can purchase tickets through your Go-To card, Universal Transit pass, Metropass, or by paying the exact fare amount.

To refill your Go-To Card online, go to

Fare amounts differ by category and/or type as well as if the fare occurs during rush hour.

Regular Route Services

In order to make it easier for residents, transit options in the Twin Cities Metro – MVTA, Metro Transit, SouthWest, Plymouth, Maple Grove, and Blue Line and Green Line trains – have created the Regional Transit Fare System that allows passes and transfers to work on any of the above. As part of this system, cash payment MUST be exact. Drivers cannot make change and you must pay when you board (or as you exit, if riding Express from downtown Minneapolis or St. Paul).


Transfer ticket

If you pay your fare in cash and you need to travel on more than one bus or train to reach your destination, ask the driver for a transfer when you pay your fare. Your transfer is valid for unlimited rides at the same fare level in any direction for up to 2½ hours. If you transfer to a higher fare, surcharges may apply.
If you pay your fare with a Go-To Card, the transfer is automatically added to your card. If you transfer to a bus or train with a higher fare, the difference will be automatically deducted from any stored value on your card.

CategoryTimeLocal Express
AdultNon-Rush Hour$2.00$2.50
AdultRush Hour$2.00$3.25
Senior or YouthNon-Rush Hour$1.00$1.00
Senior or YouthRush Hour$1.00$3.25
Persons with DisabilitiesNon-Rush Hour AND Rush HourFreeFree
Disabled Veterans or ChildrenNon-Rush Hour AND Rush HourFreeFree

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Plan, Pay, Ride

Plan a trip, pay your fare, MVTA will get you there.