Minnesota Statutes as Amended, December 10, 2014.
It is the policy of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority to implement the legal requirements of the Federal and State governments in a manner so as to meet the following goals:
To accomplish this policy, the following specific actions have been adopted the 28th of June, 2006, revised the 24th day of January, 2007, revised the 31st day of October, 2012, and revised the 10th day of December, 2014.
This policy applies to MVTA services, facilities, and vehicles. This includes all contracted services operated by other private and public operators. This policy is not intended to suggest or require compliance by other operating entities, including Metro Transit, other Metropolitan Council general public service providers, or Metro Mobility and its contracted agencies and operators.
All MVTA facilities and vehicles shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements for accessibility, including but not limited to 49 CFR Parts 27, 37, and 38, MN Stat. Ch. 299A, and MN Rules Ch. 7450. MVTA shall exceed the minimum requirements in the following way(s): All transit vehicles shall be equipped with two forward-facing securement positions, including those vehicles 22 feet long and under. Transit vehicles may be equipped with one or more combination positions which shall provide a compliant forward-facing position and a rear-facing position which need not include a compliant occupant-restraint system when used in the rear-facing manner. All vehicles shall be equipped with a kneeling feature if that feature is offered by the manufacturer.
Records will be maintained describing the lift and securement equipment on each MVTA transit vehicle. This information will include the design capacity of the devices to allow determination of what vehicles may be able accommodate passengers in various types of non-conforming mobility aids.
The assignment of particular vehicle types will be made on the basis of total ridership demand. Recognizing that certain vehicle types may be available to only one MVTA contractor, buses cannot and will not be assigned on the basis of their accessibility features. Given the sensitivity of certain passengers using mobility aids to particular vehicle designs, however, staff will work with those passengers to alert them to changes in the vehicle assignments as they affect accessibility features when quarterly and special service changes are made.
Wheelchair means a mobility aid belonging to any class of three- or more-wheeled devices, usable indoors, designed or modified for and used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered.
Passengers who use mobility aids requiring the deployment of the lift or ramp will board prior to other passengers, unless the passenger requests otherwise. Drivers are required to kneel the bus if requested and so equipped, or to deploy the lift or ramp if requested, even if the passenger is not using a mobility aid. Drivers are required to directly assist passengers upon request by briefly pushing the mobility aid (including up a steeply sloped vehicle ramp), and by properly operating the vehicle lift/ramp and securement systems. At locations where there is no curb or sidewalk, drivers may require passengers to move their mobility aid a short distance to allow for proper and safe deployment of the lift or ramp.
A personal care attendant is permitted to accompany the passenger on the vehicle lift/ramp if requested, provided the combined weight of the passenger, mobility aid, and attendant does not exceed 600 pounds. The attendant is not permitted to operate the lift or ramp.
Fares for users with limited mobility are set by the Metropolitan Council. Riders must display a qualifying identification card, as determined by the Council, upon request of the driver. Drivers must assist with fare payment upon request. It is the responsibility of passengers requiring fare payment assistance to have their fare ready and in a convenient location. A personal care attendant accompanying a qualified passenger rides for free.
A priority seating area shall be designated at the front of each vehicle for passengers with limited mobility not using a secured mobility device. Drivers are required to ask passengers occupying these seats to vacate them upon request of boarding passengers. Drivers are not required to enforce the priority seating designation beyond making such a request.
An area shall be designated close to the lift or ramp entrance for the securement of mobility aids. If this area is occupied by ambulatory passengers and a passenger in a mobility aid boards the vehicle, drivers will request those passengers to relocate, and passengers are required to relocate upon the drivers request, unless the bus is already so full that those ambulatory passengers would be unable to safely stand.
It is MVTA policy that mobility aids be secured by the driver while onboard MVTA vehicles. The standard for securement is that drivers must make their best effort to secure the chair. Drivers will receive training in the proper securement of mobility aids both in the hiring process and in regular in-service retraining. A personal care attendant may assist in the securement procedure but the driver must always examine the securements before proceeding.
A conforming lap and shoulder belt shall be provided in the forward-facing securement areas. It shall be recommended to all passengers riding in a secured mobility aid that they be restrained using the lap and shoulder belt, however, it will not be required.
Mobility aids placed in an approved rear-facing position shall be secured by the design of the position. which may be entirely passive or include a securement strap to restrict lateral movement. In the latter case, deployment of the securement strap either by the driver, the passenger, or an attendant is required, and driver inspection of the strap deployment is required if it is deployed by the passenger or an attendant.
A conforming lap and shoulder belt need not be provided for the rear-facing use of a combination position and even if such a lap and shoulder belt is provided, it is not required to be used except on request of the passenger. Passengers requesting use of the lap and shoulder belt must be carried in a forward-facing position if a conforming lap and shoulder belt is not available for a rear-facing position.
Drivers shall recommend that users of scooter type conforming mobility aids transfer to fixed seating and allow only the mobility aid to be secured to the bus; furthermore, drivers may recommend that users of other particular mobility aids transfer if they believe it to be in the passenger’s safety interest due to the design of the mobility aid. Under no circumstance may drivers require a transfer, even if the mobility aid is not able to be secured to the driver’s satisfaction. Drivers are required to use their best effort to secure all mobility aids whether occupied or not.
Staff shall implement a program for users of mobility aids to improve drivers’ ability to correctly secure mobility aids. This program may include but not be limited to marking of preferred attachment points for securement devices, attachment of tether straps where appropriate attachment points are not available, and passenger training on identifying preferred securement methods to drivers on vehicles with different securement systems.
Persons with a disability requiring the use of a service animal shall be permitted to board with such animal. Drivers are permitted to request that persons traveling with a service animal identify that the animal is performing a service function either by verbal or visual means, including but not limited to identifying equipment or markings attached to the animal.
Passengers who use mobility aid devices will ordinarily alight after other passengers at the same stop. Drivers are required to kneel the bus if requested and so equipped, or to deploy the lift or ramp if requested, even if the passenger is not using a mobility aid. Drivers are required to assist passengers upon request. At locations where there is no curb or sidewalk, drivers may suggest an alternate stop to allow for easier deployment of the lift or ramp; however, drivers are required to allow passengers to alight at their requested stop unless doing so is likely to damage the lift/ramp or prevent it from operating properly.
Drivers shall operate the vehicle lift/ramp and/or kneeling feature upon request for all passengers. This includes use of the lift/ramp for strollers. The mobility aid securement system may only be used to secure a mobility aid. The lap-and-shoulder belt may only be used to restrain a passenger riding in a secured mobility aid.
If there is a failure of the lift/ramp or securement devices, a replacement vehicle must be dispatched if the next trip to the destination of any passenger using a mobility device is scheduled in more than 30 minutes. If the next trip to the destination of any passenger using a mobility device is scheduled in 30 minutes or less, a replacement vehicle may be dispatched if available.
A Title II ADA grievance procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA provides comprehensive civil rights protections to persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, state and local government services, access to public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. Title II covers state and local government and any of its departments, agencies, or other instrumentalities.
The ADA mandates that individuals with disabilities shall not be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.
This Title II ADA grievance procedure can be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by Minnesota Valley Transit Authority.
MVTA will make reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all its programs, services, and activities.
To file a Title II ADA grievance, complete the attached form.
Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) pledges that you will have access to all our programs, services and benefits without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or socioeconomic status.
MVTA will not tolerate discrimination by its employees or by those who receive federal funds from MVTA. Minnesota Valley Transit Authority prohibits all discriminatory practices that may result in an individual:
Further, MVTA will:
These rights are guaranteed to you under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which says in part:
No person in the United State shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. (42 U.S.C. Sec200d)
In addition, Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, 1994 provides:
Each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.
If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color or national origin, you may file a written complaint with the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority at this address:
Executive Director
Minnesota Valley Transit Authority
100 E. Highway 13
Burnsville, MN 55337
Or you can contact us by phone at 952-882-7500 or by email at mvta@mvta.com.
MVTA’s Title VI Plan is attached.
MVTA’s Title VI Complaint Form is attached.
MVTA’s Language Assistance Plan is attached.
Bus information is available in multiple languages at mvta.com on both desktop and mobile devices. Please refer to the menu options located in the top right corner of these devices to select language when using mvta.com.
La información del autobús está disponible en varios idiomas desde mvta.com tanto en el escritorio (esquina superior derecha de la página web) como en las plataformas móviles (en el menú desplegable).
Macluumaadka baska waxaa laga heli karaa luuqado kala duwan mvta.com labadaba desktop (geeska sare ee shabakadda) iyo moobiilka gacanta (hoos u dhigga menu).
Thông tin xe buýt có sẵn bằng nhiều ngôn ngữ tại mvta.com trên cả máy tính để bàn và thiết bị di động. Vui lòng tham khảo các tùy chọn menu nằm ở góc trên cùng bên phải của các thiết bị này để chọn ngôn ngữ khi sử dụng mvta.com.
Meeting the information needs of the public is a primary responsibility of Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. Consistent with the requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, we will respond to data requests in a timely, cost-effective, and complete manner.
Members of the public have the right to access government data by making a data request.
To make a public data request, complete the Data Request Form – Requesting Public Data (attached) and email to mvta@mvta.com or mail to Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, 100 E. Highway 13, Burnsville, MN 55337.
If you need additional assistance with making a data request, call MVTA Customer Service at 952-882-7500 or email mvta@mvta.com.
As required by Minnesota Statutes sections 13.025 and 13.03.
The Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) presumes that all government data are public unless state or federal law says the data are not public. Government data means all recorded information a government entity has retained, including paper, email, flash drives, CDs, DVDs, photographs, etc.
The law also states that Minnesota Valley Transit Authority must keep all government data in a way that makes it easy for you to access public data. You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, all public data that we keep. You also have the right to copies of public data. The Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies. You have the right to look at data, free of charge, before deciding to request copies.
How to Request Public Data
You can ask to look at (inspect) data at our offices or ask for copies of public data that we keep.
Any member of the public may make a written request, via email, to Minnesota Valley Transit Authority by using Data Request Form. If you choose not to follow the data request form, your written request should:
How We Will Respond to Your Data Request
Upon receiving your request:
You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or email them to you. We will provide electronic copies (such as email) upon request, if we keep the data in that format and we can reasonably make a copy.
Response time may be impacted by the size and/or complexity of your request, and also by the number of requests you make in a given period of time.
Following our written response, if you do not make arrangements within 5 business days to inspect the data or pay for the copies, we will consider your request closed.
If you do not understand some of the data (technical terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms), MVTA staff will be happy to answer questions.
The Data Practices Act does not require us to create or collect new data in response to a data request, or to provide data in a specific form or arrangement if we do not keep the data in that form or arrangement. For example, if the data you request are on paper only, we are not required to create electronic documents to respond to your request. If we agree to create data in response to your request, we will work with you on the details of your request, including cost and response time.
We are also not required to respond to questions that are not about your data requests, or requests for government data.
Requests for Summary Data
Summary data are statistical records or reports created by removing identifying information about individuals from entirely private or confidential data.
We will prepare summary data only upon written request and confirmation that the requester will pay for the cost of creating the data.
You may use the data request form on page 4 to request summary data. We will respond to your request within ten business days with the data or details of when the data will be ready and how much we will charge you.
Data Practices Contacts
Responsible Authority
Name: Luther Wynder
Address: 100 East Highway 13, Burnsville, MN 55337
Email: mvta@mvta.com
Copy Costs – When You Request Public Data
Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03, subdivision 3(c) allows us to charge for copies. You must pay for the copies prior to receipt.
We do not charge for copies if the cost is less than $2.00.
Multiple requests made within the same 10 business-day period will be treated as a single request for the purposes of calculating total copy costs.
If possible, and upon request, we will provide you with an estimation of the total cost of supplying copies.
For 100 or fewer paper copies
100 or fewer pages of black and white, letter, or legal-size paper copies cost 25¢ for a one-sided copy, or 50¢ for a two- sided copy.
Most other types of copies – actual cost
The charge for most other types of copies, when a charge is not set by statute or rule, is the actual cost of searching for and retrieving the data and making the copies or electronically sending the data.
In determining the actual cost of making copies, MVTA will include employee time, the cost of the materials onto which we are copying the data (paper, CD, DVD, etc.), and mailing costs (if any). If your request is for copies of data that we cannot copy ourselves, such as photographs, we will charge you the actual cost we must pay an outside vendor for the copies. Employee time to make copies is $35.34 per hour.
If, based on your request, we find it necessary for an employee earning higher than the MVTA average to search for and retrieve the data, we will calculate search and retrieval charges at the higher salary/wage.
Notification of Data Breach
Minnesota Law requires that you must be notified by the agency of a breach in the security of your data. Minn. Stat. 13.055. A breach of security of data is defined as an unauthorized acquisition of data maintained by a government entity that compromises the security and classification of the data. That includes data obtained without consent of the individual data subject.
Written notification of any breach will be provided upon discovery of a breach via U.S. Mail and electronic mail. Parties affected by a breach may obtain access to a breach report, and how to request delivery of the report. Notifications may be delayed if there is an active law enforcement investigation.
III. Flex Route Fares
IV. Fare Refund Request